Did UFC fighter Drew Dober use the N word on IG live? MMA community reacts
Drew Dober recently came under some flame from MMA fans on Twitter. The lightweight brawler appeared to use some insensitive language in an Instagram live session.
Dober uttered the n-word on his live session, and fans were quick to not only point it out, but also make an edit in which everything is made to look out of context. While it does look like Dober didn't mean to offend or target any particular individual, the fan-made edit certainly makes it look inflammatory.
Watch the fan made edit of Drew Dober's Instagram Live here:
A former opponent of Dober's, Terrance McKinney came across the edit and saw the funny side of things. He said:
"Lol damn they did me dirty"Fans also appeared to side with McKinney. User @mma_loki_crypto said:
"MMA Guru started this whole lame Drew Dober is a racist thing. Kinda played out. Was kinda funny though before."The user who posted the edit, @BenTheBaneDavis also took the time to clarify that this was in jest, and not a serious attack against Drew Dober.
"Drew’s the most amazing dude before anyone gets wild"Drew Dober to face Matt Frevola at UFC 288, may fight Paddy Pimblett later
Drew Dober has become something of a fan favorite in recent times. Known to be an extremely exciting fighter who always pushes the pace and never backs down, the lightweight has put together an impressive win streak.
He has now won three on-the-trot, with all three coming by knockout. The level of opposition he has faced is nothing to scoff at either. He has stopped Terrance McKinney, Rafael Alves and Bobby Green in his last three outings.
Now, he's all set to take on Matt 'The Steamrolla' Frevola in his next bout, set for UFC 288. The blood and guts fighter has said that fans can expect either a performance of the night or a fight of the night when the two square off.
Check it out as Drew Dober previews his bout vs Matt Frevola at UFC 288:
Many fans believed Dober's UFC 288 opponent would be Paddy 'The Baddy' Pimblett. Even Michael Bisping broke the fight down on his official YouTube. In case of a win, we may see Dober taking on Paddy sooner rather than later.
Watch as Michael Bisping previews a potential fight between Drew Dober and Paddy Pimblett:
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